Resilience Revisited: Intercultural Clinical Perspectives
The global impact of the pandemic has made the topic of resilience more relevant and important than ever before.
• The resilience of an individual is influenced by multiple factors, including external support, internal abilities and skills, and existential values and faith.
• Social and cultural impact extends beyond nationality and race, encompassing different contexts and cultures, such as the culture of individuals with Down syndrome or the culture of specific professions like medics and architects.
• The process of healing and recovery requires time, repetition, and adequate resources and support from caregivers.
• Resilience can be both a protective factor and a risk factor, depending on the context and the presence of dysfunctional behaviours within a supposedly supportive network.
• Clients may deflect from discussing their own experiences and instead focus on external factors or blame others, making it important for therapists to recognize and explore the underlying reasons for this avoidance.
• Our culture and concept of parenting and education are constantly evolving due to technological advancements, migration, and global interaction, challenging the idea of bouncing back to our original state of mind.
• Resilience is not just an individual trait, but also influenced by the environment and can lead to growth.