Cultural Coexistence in Malta’s Built Environment: Navigating Diversity and Inclusion
Brief Recap of my Insights Shared at the Annual STRIP Panel Discussion organized by SACES, Student Organisation Body of the Built Environment, University of Malta, held on 1 March 2024 at Fort St. Elmo, Valletta I had the honour of being part of this year’s STRIP debate, a significant event orchestrated by the Student Organisation […]
Project SMITE
The SMITE project is fully funded with a €25,000 grant by the Iceland – Liechtenstein – Norway Active Citizens Fund operated by SOS Malta and is led by the African Media Association in partnership with NWAMI International Malta.
Together We Strive
Together We Strive is an account of the evidence-based, innovative community and youth project created by NWAMI International Malta President, Maria-Gabriele Doublesin.
A woman helping women
Maria-Gabriele Doublesin wins Best Social & Business Care Award Maria-Gabriele Doublesin has been awarded the Best Social & Business Care Award (Women helping Women) at the Businesswoman of the Year Awards held last Friday by Dynamic Events at the Intercontinetal Hotel, Saint Julian’s. Doublesin is founder and director of ICC -Intercultural Counselling & Competence Development […]
World Mental Health Day
Your mental wellbeing matters! WHO defines Mental health as “a condition of well-being in which an individual recognises his or her own abilities, can cope with the usual demands of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to contribute to his or her community”. In 2002 A WHO report by Harnois & Gabriel […]
Networking for a Better Tomorrow
Multiculturalism: a complex, controversial and challenging topic In the words of Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General (2004), “tolerance, intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity are more essential than ever in a world where people are becoming more and more closely interconnected”, multiculturalism is more than simply recognizing and acknowledging the diversity and differences prevalent in society. […]
Transformation Strategies That Support Your Business
If you’re thinking of adjusting or transforming your business, then read on for some exciting news and how your business can benefit.
Disposition Matters
How Covid-19 affected people’s strategic plans Since the outbreak of COVID-19, a large portion of our focus is on solving problems caused by the effects of this pandemic and on creating strategic plans. When it comes to problem-solving, decision making, and strategic planning, these are specific cognitive processes that require an open mind. Open-mindedness is […]
Core Platform Recovery Project – Workshop 2
Core Platform Recovery Project – Workshop 1