Learn to Work Together: Cohesion Building Through Cooperation

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Bridging silos between NGOs, the business sector and marginalised communities

Project design & development: 
Maria-Gabriele Doublesin, Intercultural Community Counsellor & Intercultural Competence Development

Project Chair: 
Helga Ellul, President CORE Platform

Project coordinator: 
Matteo Privitelli, Executive CORE Platform http://www.core.org.mt/

This project is to improve community cohesion by helping to bridge silos between various voluntary organisations, the business sector, and marginalized communities. Fostering cooperation between all sectors of society is key for this project. ‘Learn to Work Together: Cohesion Building Through Cooperation’ strives to encourage prospective participants to work together to help communities move away from bias, discrimination and marginalization. The point that we want to get across through this project is the importance of moving away from working in isolation, carrying out decisions and tasks single-handedly and to start looking at effective ways to form partnerships and to stimulate better co-operation and networking between voluntary organisations, the business sector and local communities.

For this reason, this project seeks to bring together VOs addressing issues related to cultural diversity, social inclusion and cohesion building, representatives from the business sector, academia, and Governmental institutions. Doing so, VOs will be given the opportunity to discuss and share issues they encounter and to inspire each other to develop new potential initiatives and projects for the benefit of isolated communities which in turn can potentially also enhance Malta’s economy. At the end of the project a report, including suggestions on how VOs and the business sector can cooperate with Government will be presented to the respective authorities.

This project was funded by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector’s Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme, VOPs 2019 https://maltacvs.org/voluntary-organisations-project-scheme-vops/

